A little more about me:

I always knew what I wanted. I knew which high school I'll go to, which university I want to go to, which field I will pursue post-graduation, which company I will work for and year by year, how I will build my career and succeed based on my definition.

I personally don't know anybody who had this level of clarity in their education and career. I used to think that most people did until I started talking to people about this a few years back and realized most people actually ‘fell’ into their careers. Some of them hoped to do something else, while others didn't even know what else they could do.

This scared me and confused me; how can I have such clarity from a young age; is there something I have done wrong or missed by being so clear and focused? Then someone told me I was blessed to have such clarity as people struggle all their life to figure out their passion. You see, this is how I was cruising through life without knowing what uncertainty is (about education and career).  

What happened next?

So after having a successful, international career, slowly, something went off in me. I wasn’t fully invested in the work I was doing, and this scared the hell out of me and I didn’t know how to cope with it. I was always ambitious and passionate about my work. I talked to half a dozen people, all wanting to help me in whichever capacity they could - as a mentor, friend, teacher, manager. I suppose what I really needed was a good life coach.

It took me a long time, but after reading several deep, thought-provoking books and lots of introspection, I realised that what was missing was making a true impact on people’s lives. While helping the company I work for make more money, including doing the same for my clients, is fine, I've always had ‘greatness’ in my career. It was a career where I was passionate about what I was doing, which made me really good at it. And now, this career alone was not enough. 

I wanted more out of it—more from my life. So I spent another few months searching - internally and externally. I researched, and also had the good fortune to have a life coach through work as part of a leadership program later on, and through exposure to life coaching first-hand, I realised this is exactly what I want to be doing - making an impact on people’s lives at a transformational level.

 And hence, the idea of becoming a life coach started simmering in my mind. After looking into it for quite some time, getting my personal life in order so that I can dedicate proper time to becoming a really good certified transformational life coach, I took the plunge. And have never looked back since. 

And now?

I look forward to each day now, knowing the next phone call I take is going to matter; it will make a difference.

So, why focus on leadership and introverts?

I’ve always been passionate about leadership. Reading biographies of successful leaders from a young age, seeking people who inspire me, and constant self-improvement so that I can lead myself better, were just some of the ways I immersed myself in growing as a professional and succeeding at work. I have always been ambitious and passionate about the work I do. Consistent and steady growth in my career was important to me. It showed progress and growth. Getting to a position of leadership was my goal and when I got there, continuing to do more, and be more for others was a new goal. To me, leadership is about impact. Impact on my own life and impact on others. Why do I put myself first? Because I cannot lead others if I don't know how to lead my ownself.

And this has been the key in understanding my introverted self, the dichotomy that being an ambivert brings and how to embrace the difficult part of me - my introversion and how it was coming in the way of my growth. 

I would get feedback such as I need to talk to more people and be more visible, not sit in my corner and be alone, network in the industry and in the company and much more. And every time I would hear this, I thought, ‘do you know how hard it is to talk to the person who sits beside me; how do I talk to all those cool, daunting people at a company event? How do I go to a conference and just start talking and make connections?’  

I was told that I will not grow in my career at the pace I want, especially when the next position was to be a Director if I wasn’t more visible, aka be out there, laugh, talk, be loud. The great work that I was known for was no longer enough. It was a very difficult period for me.

So I pushed and pushed myself. I finally got there, but it was very tough. There was no one to tell me that there is a better way. An easier way based on who I am and my introverted strengths. I had to discover this the hard way and I want an easier one for you. 

There is an easier way...

I know you can thrive in your career by embracing your authentic, beautiful self. You don't need to become an extrovert to have the success you want. You deserve to be yourself without the burden of meeting people’s expectations of you. You deserve to thrive in life and at work by showing up in the world as your authentic self and being loved and known for it.

 I believe it is possible for you to succeed as an introverted leader. I know this because I have done it and my clients are doing it too.

Over the past few years, I have worked with many leaders to embrace their authentic selves and grow in their career by creating an authentic, leadership presence. As a result, they are happier, confident, and successful.

It will be an honour to help you do the same.

Have questions to see if my coaching can support you in your leadership journey?


I have created these free resources so you can have the tools you need, when you need it, ready to empower, educate, and action on key areas of your leadership journey.


This guide will teach you the first step in owning your authentic self by identifying what is important to you.


This checklist includes 10 easy ideas which will help you get visible in a way that feels right and authentic to you.


This guide includes 10 practical steps which guide you to feel empowered, in control and get the outcome your are looking for.



I am a straight shooter - you get what you see! Always.


I am an obsessive learner: I read books, listen to books, watch hours and hours of TED talks and anyone inspiring that comes up on YouTube


I am learning the difference between letting go and holding on


I have discovered taking care of plants is therapeutic and I really enjoy it


I love taking walks when its cold - it energizes me


My favorite type of vacation is when I'm either surrounded by nature or bumming at the beach!


I used to live in Canada, and now I live in the UK. I miss the snow (call me crazy)


There is no way I can be happy, if i don’t show up as the whole me. NO OTHER WAY


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