A Leader and A Purpose

Do you go to work each day knowing what your purpose is?

Do you know what you are contributing to?

Does your work have meaning?

Is having a purpose in what you do important for you?

I’ve always had a passion and a purpose. When I used to do ad hoc research back in the day, I knew what I was contributing to – every data and insight I provided to my clients ultimately made the products and services better, which directly impacted the quality of life of end consumers. Even if not direct, my work contributed to helping consumers get what they want with better quality and pricing. That’s meaningful and powerful.

But what if there isn’t a purpose to what you do? Is that even possible? And when there isn’t a purpose, does the work get the same level of engagement and commitment if you did have one?

I believe every work has a purpose. Sometimes it’s obvious, and other times it isn’t. And it is the leader’s job to bring that purpose to life for their team. To inspire people and bring them together for a shared passion and purpose that elevates the work that they do.

The question is, are you that leader?

In the absence of a leader who doesn’t bring the energy and meaning to work that inspires people around them, the team will ultimately get impacted, and the bottom line suffers. How?

You see, positive energy and passion inspire people. Having a purpose is inspirational. It attracts and motivates. They feel invested and feel that they belong because they are contributing to something bigger and more meaningful than the 6 tasks they marked a check on. Those 6 tasks they completed today all led to something bigger and collective and made this world a better place. Now, who doesn’t want to be part of something that is changing the world?

With such high spirits come camaraderie, loyalty, the ability to work through conflict, overcome obstacles, accountability, holding each other to higher standards, fun, succeeding together. All because of a shared vision. We are social animals who have an innate need to belong, be recognised, contribute, and have meaning. We want to know that ‘I’ matter and that my life was well-lived.

So, let me ask you, do you know what your leadership is about?

Who are you as a leader?

What is your purpose?

Are your people guided through a clear vision, aligned in purpose and passion for making an impact in the world?

Be the leader who brings value, inspiration, passion, and purpose each day. Every single day.

I love hearing back from you. Do share your thoughts and stories, as it really inspires me to read them.

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Categories: Leadership, Purpose